
The Magic behind Semamori Stitching

Semamori are protective stitches applied to children’s clothes. Like with sashiko stitching, each pattern holds a different kind of spell.

Artist interview: Manami Oomae

Ms. Manami Oomae has two handicraft stores in southern Japan. Sashiko stitchers from all around Kyushu gather there and share tips and ideas. This is her sashiko story.

Do you use batting for sashiko?

Sashiko and batting have a very shallow history. | Practical advice for batting x sashiko

7 common questions about sashiko answered

Have the most common questions about sashiko answered | Beginner questions about the Japanese stitching technique answered

How to wash sashiko correctly

Sashiko is not delicate, but washing it correctly is recommended. | Tips to keep your sashiko clean and happy

How is sashiko different from embroidery?

Some differences include: the technique, materials, patterns, background and purpose. | A detailed comparison between sashiko and embroidery

Is sashiko difficult?

Sashiko is easy to learn and can be a lot of fun for complete beginners. | Common difficulties and how to overcome them